Tuesday, 22 October 2013

SDLC: Best of every model


Agile, extreme, scrum , waterfall, RAD, kanban etc etc. I won't put any benchmark and won't try to map in good or bad category. Infact, I'd pull the gist from each and would put it on the screen So, that next time when i stuck anywhere I can see the solution .

Chaos theory: It's made by people who were more concern about testing and fixing bugs. So, they made this model. They gist of this model is :  Fix the most important bug right away.

Extreme Programming: YAGNI: You not gonna need it. Implement features which are going to be used by end users. Don't waste time implemention something that's going to be used in future.

Agile: Batch by batch. Keep the batch small and keep processing them till all batch process or final product is ready.

Scrum: Keep the process agile with the help of scrum master and regular meetings.

Kanban: Keep the size of bath in Agile controlled.

Other philosphical notes notes i like are:
         DRY: Do not repeat yourself
         KISS: Keep it simple, stupid .

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Multiple File Upload :Laravel4

Issues and their resolutions with multiple file load

  1. var_dump( Input::file("file_field") ) == NULL, for multiple file uploading but works fine for one file.
    1. Check if you have max_upload_file and max_post_size set very low in php.ini file
  2. Input::file("file_field") is giving only one file object.
    1. Verify that you have  file filed set with name attribute containing brackets . eg. Form::file("file_name[]") .
  3. If you're doing some image processing you then might need to extend memory_limit.
    ini_set('memory_limit', '64M'); >> Set it to ini_set('memory_limit', -1)     
log.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException' with message 'Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1xxxxxx bytes)' in ...\vendor\filp\whoops\src\Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler.php:123
Stack trace:
Error  Say's that you need to increase memory for your application. Where? In php.ini file.
If you don't have access? then increase dynamically using ini_set()

     4.  Consult your laravel log file if you face any other error . Log file you may find inside storage/log folder.
eg. path/to/your/application/app/storage/logs