"If you are a man choose a life of no regrets and even if you loose your life ,protect it with these two arms. No matter how tough, No matter how sad you must try and try for something that is precious to you. If you do that, even if yu die the proof of a mans life will remain forever."
My Ideals
Sean Parker
(I enjoy calling him "father of peer computing)
Wayne Chang
( i2hub creator )
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
(facemash creator)
Zuckerberg began using computers and writing software as a child in middle school. His father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s, and later hired software developer David Newman to tutor him privately.
John Alan Lasseter (Pixar Animation corp)
( an American animator, director and the chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios. )
--Masashi kishimoto
Sean Parker
(I enjoy calling him "father of peer computing)
His father began teaching him programming when he was 7 years old. At 16, he was sentenced to community service for hacking.
Wayne Chang
( i2hub creator )
At age 7, Wayne Chang had already written his first software program on the Apple IIe. By age 15, he worked at the original Napster, the first peer-to-peer filesharing platform, while he attended high school in Haverhill, Massachusetts. In 2005, Newsweek profiled Chang for his abilities in technology.
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
(facemash creator)
Zuckerberg began using computers and writing software as a child in middle school. His father taught him Atari BASIC Programming in the 1990s, and later hired software developer David Newman to tutor him privately.
John Alan Lasseter (Pixar Animation corp)
( an American animator, director and the chief creative officer at Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios. )