Having installed proftpd on your system, let make it accessible to the world or atleast to your dear ones.
In MasqueradeAddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx , put your public ip address here.
PassivePorts: Please specify the range of port to which client can be connected.
wider the range, more will be active connections.
PassivePorts 60000 63100
Now, save your etc/proftpf.conf .
Now, do some port forwarding
Port forwarding parameter:
application : ftp
Starting port number :21
Ending port number: 21
local IP address :
Now, add your host on "/etc/hosts" list localhost
Once you done your port forwarding correctly, try checking it via this website
http://ftptest.net/ as you won't be able to access this through your system.
Edit your proftpd.conf file and uncomment or Append these lines
Port 21
PassivePorts 60000 65535
MasqueradeAddress YourSiteName.ath.cx
Port 21
PassivePorts 60000 65535
MasqueradeAddress YourSiteName.ath.cx
MasqueradeAddress chantuBhantu.ath.cx
OR if you got ip address (which is more preferable) , do this
MasqueradeAddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Here , YourSiteName.ath.cx can be your DNS provided by dyndns/dmghost or similar host providers.
If you don't have any dns then you can put your public ip address instead.
For that First, Go and find your Public Ip address here
OR if you got ip address (which is more preferable) , do this
MasqueradeAddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Here , YourSiteName.ath.cx can be your DNS provided by dyndns/dmghost or similar host providers.
If you don't have any dns then you can put your public ip address instead.
For that First, Go and find your Public Ip address here
In MasqueradeAddress xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx , put your public ip address here.
PassivePorts: Please specify the range of port to which client can be connected.
wider the range, more will be active connections.
PassivePorts 60000 63100
Now, save your etc/proftpf.conf .
Now, do some port forwarding
Port forwarding parameter:
application : ftp
Starting port number :21
Ending port number: 21
local IP address :
Now, add your host on "/etc/hosts" list localhost chantuBhantu.ath.cx
Once done , save and close, it.
Now Restart your ProFtpd
root@dragonaider:/home/sahilsk# /etc/init.d/proftpd restart * Stopping ftp server proftpd [ OK ]
* Starting ftp server proftpd localhost.localdomain - masquerading as
[ OK ]
Open Url
ftp://chantubhantu.ath.cx to see your DefaultRoot Directory.
cheers , now your ftp server is working with a charm , but on your localhost only.
Once done , save and close, it.
Now Restart your ProFtpd
root@dragonaider:/home/sahilsk# /etc/init.d/proftpd restart * Stopping ftp server proftpd [ OK ]
* Starting ftp server proftpd localhost.localdomain - masquerading as
[ OK ]
Open Url
ftp://chantubhantu.ath.cx to see your DefaultRoot Directory.
cheers , now your ftp server is working with a charm , but on your localhost only.
Once you done your port forwarding correctly, try checking it via this website
http://ftptest.net/ as you won't be able to access this through your system.
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